How does it feel to usher in a new year between December 30 and January 1?
Are you inspired, motivated, making lists and setting goals and planning big plans? Or does today just feel like yesterday? New year celebrations happen at different times for different people. Some celebrate the end of the year on the Winter Solstice, Chinese New Year isn't until January 28 this year, and I personally don't feel like anything is "new" until Spring- this year, on March 20. The wonderful Maia Toll just reminded me today that we all move along at our own pace. She likened it to flowers- some will be popping up in February, and others won't break the surface till June. And it's true, some years I'm a June baby. That doesn't mean I've wasted the first half, just that I was still preparing till then. (Check out Maia's Witch Camp to join in the fun, like today's New Moon call.) So take your own time with your new year. Be active or passive according to your own needs, instead of reactive towards everyone else's. And set broad intentions- she also reminded me that this is where the energy will go, so channel it towards good things. Wishing you smiles, today and always!
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Fun Fact: I'm an herbalist and a movement coach. Not a doctor, or a pharmacist, and not pretending to be one on TV.
This is a public space, so my writing reflects my experiences and I try to stay general enough so it might relate to you. This does not constitute medical advice, and I encourage you to discuss concerns with your doctor. Remember, however, that the final say in your wellness decisions are always yours- you have the power to choose, you are the boss of you. And, some of my posts may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through them I'll earn a few cents. Thank you for supporting my work. This website is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not medical, mental health or healthcare advice. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical condition or mental or emotional condition. Working with us is not a guarantee of any results. Paula Billig owns all copyrights to the materials presented here unless otherwise noted. Categories
July 2021